Composing a song

Composing a song

Descripció de la WebQuesta

Music composing is a creative activity wich communicates ourselves with others expressing sonorous feelings. Musica has got a place in our lives. Surely, when you listen to music, you think you would like to write a song about everything you love. Well, now you have got the possibility to do it because this music WebQuest will give you a lot of tools to put your imagination to the music service.
You will dispose all that you need on the net to carry this task out.

Author: Carme Miró





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Competències bàsiques

  1. Comunicativa lingüística i audiovisual
  2. Tractament de la informació Digital
  3. Matemàtica
  4. Social i ciutadana
  5. Cultural i artística
  6. Coneixement i interacció amb el món físic
  7. Aprendre a aprendre
  8. Autonomia i iniciativa personal
